All tagged Barsha

Brunching at Toshi

Back in the day you could bet every Friday was all about brunching. These days, I have to admit that I don’t get along to that many. There’s a few reasons, waistline, lack of time and the value proposition has become less enticing over the years. That’s not to say that they’re aren’t some fantastic brunches out there. From high to lower end, there’s a plethora of opportunities to stuff yourself silly from midday till 4pm.

Elevated Pub Grub at BarBary

Buried in the depths of Barsha Heights, BARBARY is a by-product of the tawdry values, brazen spirit and musical energy of the neighborhood. Equal parts cocktail bar, retro club & delicatessen the room is a decorous blend of clandestine bar naughtiness with an illicit parlor feel.

Omnia's Take on Healthy Indian Cusine

Omnia is a bit of an enigma as it seems to have a headline chef and a very attractive interior style that features a wonderful street art mural courtesy of Ruben Shanchez, yet it doesn't seem to have the same heaving crowd like the place next door. To get the low down we joined Chef Silevena Rowe for an evening of food talk, laughs and tasty treats from her recently unveiled Indian Menu.

Lo-Fi Thrills at Wise Kwai

Wise Kwai is set in an intimate dining room space on the first floor of Dusit Thani's latest property in Barsha Heights. Seemingly a culinary tribute to one of Thailand's most famous movie critics, the interiors strive to deliver a cinematic feel. The styling features some quirky elements, like the wood block stamps, large overhead light boxes with Asian inspired motifs and the old school cameras and movie projector.