All tagged Indian

Oh Wow O'Pao

While I’ve been to India a bunch of times, from New Dehli to Mumbai and elsewhere, I have to admit I’ve never poa’d before, so I was intrigued to see how this admittedly weird concept in the back street of Karama would play out. Spoiler Alert! It rocks.

The Bizaar World of Ba Baar

Seems the Majestic has a bit of knack of creating novel dining destinations. The first visit out there was in an effort to find Miss Wang, I didn’t find her but had a great night all the same.

Speaking of finding things, if you were trying to find the Music Room, well you’re out of luck but what you find in it’s place is Bar Baar - an eccentric Desi street food spot that’s part bar and part nightclub.

Omnia's Take on Healthy Indian Cusine

Omnia is a bit of an enigma as it seems to have a headline chef and a very attractive interior style that features a wonderful street art mural courtesy of Ruben Shanchez, yet it doesn't seem to have the same heaving crowd like the place next door. To get the low down we joined Chef Silevena Rowe for an evening of food talk, laughs and tasty treats from her recently unveiled Indian Menu.