All tagged Offbeat

The Bizaar World of Ba Baar

Seems the Majestic has a bit of knack of creating novel dining destinations. The first visit out there was in an effort to find Miss Wang, I didn’t find her but had a great night all the same.

Speaking of finding things, if you were trying to find the Music Room, well you’re out of luck but what you find in it’s place is Bar Baar - an eccentric Desi street food spot that’s part bar and part nightclub.

What's in a Name? Tub of Butter

Tub Of Butter sits along Sheik Zayed Road in what I call the Safa Breakfast Strip, where you will find (in no particular order) Jones The Grocer, Bystro, Bertin, Lime Tree Cafe as well as Crumbs Elysee. That's a tough crowd.  Despite the strange name, this is one spot that you may want to try.